Over 150 Homeless Dogs Living At Dump In Greece Were Neutered & Vaccinated, Thanks To You
Andrea Powell
When we and our non-profit partner, Greater Good Charities, heard about the 600 homeless dogs living at a dump in northern Greece we asked for your help to care for the starving and ill dogs.
Thanks to your generous support and local animal organizations Animal Action Greece and Angel's Garden, the dogs are receiving food and water while they wait to be rounded up and examined. So far, 157 adult dogs and puppies have been neutered or spayed, vaccinated, microchipped, and treated for parvo, mange, and other illnesses.

Many of these dogs were abandoned at the dump to fend for themselves and are finally getting the care they need. Meet Zeus and Bella, just two of the dogs recently helped by your donations.

Zeus is just a puppy who was born at the dump along with eight brothers and sisters. All the puppies were rescued and so was their mother named Nike. These are some of the lucky ones who are warm and safe.
Their rescuers told us, "They've been saved from a horrific life, struggling to survive on the dump, constantly scrounging for scraps of food and drinking filthy water."

Sweet Bella has had a hard life as one of hundreds of dogs living at a garbage dump in Topeiros, Greece. She was captured in the first roundup by Animal Action Greece and was the very first dog spayed, vaccinated and microchipped.
She now has a green ear tag to show that she has been spayed, is safe from disease, and will not have to endure another difficult pregnancy and birth.

Sadly, there are hundreds more who are still in need of medical care, neutering, and vaccinations. Angel's Garden volunteers told us that some of the unspayed females are coming into heat and could only add to the number of sick and malnourished puppies at the dump.
World Spay Day is February 27 and we are asking for your support to help spay and neuter the remaining 500 dogs at the dump. Give these dogs a fighting chance by donating below.
Together, we CAN change the world.

Andrea Powell is an animal enthusiast who resides in West Michigan. When not writing, she is exploring the great outdoors with her dogs and horses.