Senior Cat Escapes Euthanasia And Lives To Be 27

Senior Cat Escapes Euthanasia And Lives To Be 27

It is a hard life being a stray cat. But that life gets even harder with age. While every cat should be able to enjoy a loving home in their old age, the sad reality is that a lot of old cats get forgotten about.

Even those fortunate enough to get picked up by a rescue organization have a hard time getting adopted because everyone wants the younger cats and kittens.

For one little calico, Sweetpea, things worked out in the end. According to her story shared on YouTube, the sweet tempered calico had a pretty rough life.

But despite the hardships, she has possibly made it to the ripe old age of 27, despite being slated for euthansia when she was just 22. When she was rescued by the Meowy Nugget Society, it wasn't a guarantee that someone would want an older cat with several ailments. Even though she was facing multiple health issues, a couple of very kind humans decided to adopt her and give her a chance.

As her new owners shared in the video, "When we adopted her she had sever arthritis, seizures, ringworm, and possibly other parasites. We treated her for what we could and got her back to a healthy baseline…We didn’t expect her to live much longer with those health issues and because she lived all her with a smoker who wasn’t able to feed her the highest quality of food."

Even with such a rough start to life, Sweetpea overcame it all and really was able to enjoy her golden years.

Her owners added, "Luckily there have been no seizures for several years now and she has maintained surprisingly good health according to her vets."

Sweetpea keeps herself very busy as an old cat, and has become something of a feline mentor to two other cats at the home, Fumar, who is 17, and Tutzi, who is 7. She's really enjoying her life, and I think that's the secret to a long life is just being happy.

Check out the video down below:

What do you think of Sweetpea's story? Let us know!

Anastasia Arellano

Anastasia is an American ex-pat living in Ireland. When she's not writing she can be found wandering the Irish countryside in search of inspiration. You can follow her writing adventures on Twitter @AnastasiaArell5 or Instagram @writeranastasia26

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