So THIS is Why Doctors Keep Me Waiting!

So THIS is Why Doctors Keep Me Waiting!

You know how a doctor's appointment goes from the patient's side of things. You wait in the exam room, your doctor comes in, she listens to your concerns, orders some tests and writes a prescription. Maybe you're upset that the doctor was late. What happens on the other side of the door? What are some of the things your doctor deals with daily that you don't know about? Read to find out what your doctor wishes she could tell you.

Doctors Run Late for Good Reasons

Sometimes a doctor has to give unexpected bad news to a patient. Sometimes they have to explain a complicated medical issue, or make a phone call on a patient's behalf, or deal with an emotionally distressed patient. Sometimes a simple check-up can reveal a more serious problem. When these types of issues happen, the day's schedule goes out the window so the doctor can answer questions and care for the patient in every way.

photo_0152292011arqnww Photo by Francisco Osorio via Flickr

Doctors Sometimes Cry

Even though the loss of a patient can be devastating for a doctor, doctors don't get the chance to grieve. Instead, they have to help family and friends bear up under terrible news, and have to run off to the bathroom or the parking lot to find a moment to cry.

photo_0152292024koepof Photo by MarLeah Cole via Flickr

Doctors Feel Their Patients' Grief

There's nothing more painful for a doctor than giving the worst possible news to a patient or a patient's loved ones. Doctors sometimes become numb to try to deal with the amount of grief that surrounds them.

photo_0152292015tmorsh Photo by Rocco Lucia via Flickr

Doctors Know When You're Not Taking Your Meds

Doctors need to know when you're not taking your prescribed medication. Sometimes lab tests tell them the truth, but they'd rather hear it from you.

photo_0152292026huqxbb Photo by Steven Depolo via Flickr

Click 'Next' to learn what else doctors wish they could tell you.

Doctors Have Your Back

Doctors take time to fight for you. If your insurance denies you a procedure or refuses to pay for it, many doctors will dive in as your advocate to make the problem go away -- and sometimes, all you know is that the procedure was paid for.

photo_0152292027bbefji Photo by World Bank Photo Collection via Flickr

The Doctor Isn't the Only One Running Late

Sometimes your doctor is running late because you're running late. A patient might think nothing of coming in 10 minutes late, complaining about traffic or parking. However, that small delay sets the entire schedule back.

photo_0152292029wctgio Photo by zoutedrop via Flickr

Doctors Want to Know How You're Self-Medicating

Any kind of medication you ingest matters to your doctor – and those herbal supplements you picked up at the local health food store may matter most of all. Make a list of all your alternative and over-the-counter meds before you go in for a checkup.

photo_0152292030piyhwe Photo by osseous via Flickr

No One Says Thank You to Doctors

Doctors like to hear the words "Thank you." You can make your doctor's day by sending her something as small as a thank-you card.

photo_0152292032rcfufb Photo by Jo Miller, GPC via Flickr

Click 'Next' to learn the last two things that doctors wish they could tell you.

Doctors Know You Don't Like to Be Nagged

Doctors know you don't want to hear that you need to lose weight and, as a result, they often simply don't tell you. However, those extra pounds are making you a candidate for high blood pressure, diabetes and a host of other serious ailments.

photo_0152292033nhyete Photo by Tony Alter via Flickr

Doctors Want to Know What's Wrong

Most patients come in to the doctor with a list of things to discuss, and, for some reason, they leave the most important items to the end of the appointment. Start with what's concerning you most so your doctor can spend the most time addressing it.

photo_0152292034dglkhu Photo by Chris Lott via Flickr

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