Guinness World Records Recognizes Gino As The World’s Oldest Living Dog
Louise Peralta
We’ve heard about the World’s oldest living cat, Flossie.
Now, what about the World’s oldest living dog?
The Guinness World Records officially acknowledged Gino, a Chihuahua mix, as the oldest living dog.
He might be small and old, but, ooh boy, does he still got those puppy eyes going!
The record holder was born on September 24, 2000, and he was a shelter dog named Pee Wee at the Humane Society of Boulder Valley. Gino found his forever home when he was 2 years old. And it’s all because Alex Wolf went with his roommates to the Humane Society because they thought it would be fun to adopt a dog.
Sometimes, an impulse really brings the best joy into our lives.
Gino used to live a really active life, with the college roommates being skateboarders and snowboarders.
“He was one of the guys,” Alex said in an interview with Today.
But Gino wasn’t always with Alex. Since the roommates were still college students back then, Alex decided to let Gino live with his parents until he graduated as he deemed it the responsible thing to do at that point.
Now, 20 years later, Gino is still living with his owner. At 22, Gino retired from his former active life and now enjoys his naps by the fireplace and being rolled around the neighborhood in a wagon.
Taking care of a senior dog can be complicated, but Alex doesn’t let that get in the way of letting Gino live his best life. Even puppies can be picky with their food and Alex mentioned that Gino gets bored of eating the same foods so the responsible owner mixes up a lot of different meals for Gino.
Boiled chicken and carrots with rice is one of Gino’s favorites, Alex mentioned. But Gino suffers from some gastrointestinal issues, so he has to eat special dog food for that as well. And for Gino’s drink? Goat’s milk with sprinkled pumpkin powder and fish oil. Truly pampered as he deserves.
Though Gino may suffer from various issues due to his old age, Gino still passed all his tests at the vet with flying colors, according to Alex. Gino’s health is, as the kids say these days, goals!

And as Alex Wolf said, love your pets unconditionally and make sure they are always well cared for.
“You’ve got to be there for the long haul, no matter how long it is,” he said. “That’s the responsibility you take on — and it’s 1000% worth it.”
Watch Gino in the video below!

A homebody who's in a never ending journey of being my own person.
A dog mom, a gamer, and a graphic designer.
I've been balancing my time between working for myself and for my family and have been enjoying my free time by either reading books, listening to music, or playing games.