Four Lab Beagles Reunited for Celebration of Freedom Anniversary Party
Rebecca West
YouTube/Homeward Trails Animal Rescue
Happy days are here for four adorable beagle pups sprung from a life intended for nothing but testing!
An animal rescue group in Fairfax, Virginia, known as Homeward Trails, recently shared a sweet video depicting a fun-filled bday party put on for a special group of canines the first week of July. The puppers were celebrating their first anniversary of freedom after being rescued from Envigo RMS, a breeding facility in Cumberland that supplies dogs for testing purposes.
Taking to Facebook on July 6, 2023, to share a video clip from the get-together, the event marked the dogs' first full year of freedom from potential lab life and turned it into a birthday soirée. The foursome received birthday crowns, special bandanas, and, of course, a bow-wow-friendly cake.
"Oh, what fun it is to be a Beagle allowed to have a life outside of confinement and torture," Homeward Trails noted in its Facebook post, referring to the previous existence of the four small doggos.
In 2022, the Humane Society of the United States reported that it had officially removed every single dog from Envigo RMS LLC's Cumberland facility located in Virginia during a six-week evacuation mission. Envigo was reportedly cited for numerous Animal Welfare Act violations.
Most of us aren't aware that this is still going on, but the dogs were being bred to sell to laboratories for animal experimentation. Fox43, which reported on the party, stated that the business was also performing "unnecessarily painful medical experiments on dogs and puppies, including euthanasia without sedatives."
Once the animals were removed from Envigo, they were then taken to various independent shelters and rescue partners, including Homeward Trails, which offered to find homes for over 400 beagles out of 4,000!
The festive birthday party offered the four beagles — who found forever homes through Homeward Trails — a chance to reunite for a heartfelt celebration complete with doggy cake, party hats, and cameras to capture the moment.
In a YouTube video of the fun celebration, the dogs can be seen running around and playing with each other while eating all sorts of treats. Now named Mia, Rose, Chewy, and Khali, they all had on matching shirts and received personalized gift baskets to mark the significance of their cute reunion. Watch the video below or visit Homeward Trails directly via their Facebook post above.

Rebecca is a writer and editor for both print and digital with a love for travel, history, archaeology, trivia, and architecture. Much of her writing has focused on human and animal health and welfare. A life-long pet owner, she has taken part in fostering dogs for military members during deployment and given many rescued and surrendered dogs the forever home they always wanted. Her two favorite canine quotes are, "Be the kind of person your dog thinks you are," and "My dog rescued me."