Soldier Sneaks Up Behind Sister During Her Graduation Ceremony In Touching Reunion

Soldier Sneaks Up Behind Sister During Her Graduation Ceremony In Touching Reunion

After missing his sister's high school graduation due to basic training with the U.S. Army, LaDaryl Lyte knew he had to be there now that she was graduating college.

22-year-old LaDaryl has been deployed for nearly a year with the U.S. Army Reserve, but as soon as he knew he'd be able to come home for his sister LaDyra's graduation, he contacted Central Michigan University to see if there were any tickets left.

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But the school had a better idea. They suggested that he make a grand entrance during the ceremony, surprising his sister and their family. LaDaryl loved the idea and agreed.

As she walked to the stage during the ceremony, LaDyra, 23, was surprised with a message from her brother, who she obviously thought couldn't make it to her graduation.

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"I want you to tell my sister how proud I am, how gracious she is, how superlative she is, and I know that she is going to do amazing things in her life," the message read. "She is one in a million with a special talent of knowing just how to move forward."

LaDyra became emotional listening to her brother's message, but little did she know, he was just a few feet away.

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The school president told LaDyra that the letter goes on and on, and that she should just talk to her brother about it. The crowd began cheering and LaDyra turned around to see her brother standing there.

LaDyra was overwhelmed with joy and gave her brother a big hug.

LaDaryl receives his own surprise when his dad comes up behind him and gives him a bear hug.

It's safe to say that this is a moment they will never forget.

Watch the heartwarming surprise reunion in the video below:

Ashley McCann

Growing up, Ashley always had a passion for writing. After receiving her Bachelor's in Journalism from Stony Brook University, she dove right into the professional world of content. When she isn't writing, she loves to read, travel, and explore the outdoors with her husband and two dogs.

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