Woman Gets First Kiss From Her Navy Seal Husband After He Wakes From A Coma

Woman Gets First Kiss From Her Navy Seal Husband After He Wakes From A Coma

You never quite know what a day is going to hold and sometimes, it can take a turn very quickly. Nobody knows this better than Laura Browning, because she experienced something completely unexpected.

Her husband, Jon Browning, was 35 years old when he was in an automobile accident. As she shared on Instagram, she received a phone call to let her know that he was in a coma and didn't have much of a chance of surviving. At first, she was in denial, thinking he was going to wake up and be fine but she was in for a long road.

Eventually, Jon was able to regain consciousness but he was already 17 days in the hospital. He was able to squeeze Laura's hand but it was almost a month later until he was declared to be fully conscious.

He began to show some signs of improvement, eating without a feeding tube and breathing on his own. Through it all, however, he still wasn't himself and he had to learn some of the basic tasks that most of us take for granted.

Laura was there through it all, but she still said she didn't have her husband to talk to. She said: "Sometimes when I leave the hospital at the end of the day, I think, ‘I just miss my husband.’"

After some time had passed, Laura left North Carolina and moved to Virginia so that she could be closer to the rehab facility. She was at the facility nine or 10 hours every day with her husband.

Eventually, she was starting to lose hope that he would ever regain what he had lost but then something happened that took her by surprise.

She was helping him walk in rehab when he leaned over and kissed her neck.

According to Yahoo!, she said: "We hadn’t been able to stand and hold each other since before the accident, but as soon as we got him up, he started kissing my neck." She then went on to say how it gave her chills because you never know how much something means to you until it is taken away.

5-years later and they are still struggling. Jon recently turned 40 and is still struggling to talk or walk on his own, but through it all, they move forward step by step. The prognosis is still uncertain, but they have a lot of hope for the future.

Timothy Roberts

I love to write and it keeps me busy. I've been working online, full time since 1999. When you can't find me at the keyboard, you'll find me getting as much as I can out of life. I enjoy living simply, playing games, visiting the beach, and spending time with my family.

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