Help Connect Shelter Pets with the Love of Their Lives by Flying Them to Freedom

Help Connect Shelter Pets with the Love of Their Lives by Flying Them to Freedom

Photo: Greater Good Charities

Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching, and thousands of shelter pets are still waiting to find love.

we've partnered with 5 incredible brands to offer you a HUGE prize:

That is why The Animal Rescue Site, along with Greater Good Charities, are conducting a Pawfect Match Flight to Freedom. We need your support to fly over 60 dogs out of overcrowded shelters to New Jersey to find the love of their lives. 

Dogs love unconditionally and deserve to have that love returned by a special someone.

Photo: Greater Good Charities

You can help play cupid by donating towards the cost to fly these sweet shelter pets to freedom.

Meet some of the pet passengers searching for their forever Valentine below. 

Mama Charlotte and Her Puppies Charlie and Chai

Photo: Greater Good Charities

This young mother and her two-month-old puppies are ready for a fresh start in New Jersey. Charlotte is heartworm positive and will receive treatment at her new shelter. 

Their current caretakers in Alabama shared, "Charlotte is the sweetest mom and is teaching her pups to be just as sweet and social. They all love attention and snuggles and we know they are going to find the best families in New Jersey. Charlotte also is an asymptomatic heartworm positive dog, so we are so excited she will receive the treatment she needs. This really is a life saving flight for all three!" 


Photo: Greater Good Charities

This exuberant four-year-old is also heartworm positive. Your donations will help save her life in more than one way. 

According to her caretakers, "Beyonce is a star on the rise! She is so sweet and loves to have fun outdoors, and look at her adorable hops! Beyonce came into the shelter in November and unfortunately tested positive for Heartworms. Thankfully for her she is now part of the Save a Heart Initiative and will be treated on arrival in New Jersey. We know this lucky girl will heal and go on to live the best life!"

Mama Estelle and Her Puppies Orwin and Georgia 

Photo: Greater Good Charities

This sweet mama and her puppies were surrendered overnight in a drop pen. The shelter told us, "However, this abandonment hasn’t gotten her down, she loves to be close to people and shows affection to everyone she meets. We know she is going to find her perfect match on arriving in New Jersey. Her puppies are adorable as well and we know they are going to complete someone's family and live their best lives." 

Help fly these homeless animals and dozens more to freedom. Every shelter pets deserves to have a love story. Be part of theirs by donating now

Andrea Powell

Andrea Powell is an animal enthusiast who resides in West Michigan. When not writing, she is exploring the great outdoors with her dogs and horses.

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