A Couple Helped Two Abandoned Dogs the Husband Found on Their Porch

A Couple Helped Two Abandoned Dogs the Husband Found on Their Porch

When people can't take responsibility for adopting dogs, their initial response is to abandon them elsewhere. Lucky for the two puppies, they were left on the porch of a loving family. Matt was surprised when he saw the two dogs, and he immediately gave them shelter, but the other sibling ran off. Along with his wife, Irene, they cared for the abandoned dog, who was apparently blind. The couple named the dog Lily, and they attended to her with so much love.

 width= Photo: Youtube/TheDodo

"That first two or three weeks, she started to come out of her shell a little bit. She'd be outside, and she would run in the yard a little bit, but not too much," Matt narrated. He also shared how he was always looking out for Lily — constantly worried that the dog might trip or fall over at any moment. Lily became even more comfortable under the care of the couple. She even wags her tail as soon as she hears their voices. The couple was happy with the improvement Lily had been showing — little did they know, another surprise was waiting for them.

 width= Photo: Youtube/TheDodo

"Ten days after we got Lily, our neighbor said, 'Hey, do you know there is a dog in your barn?'" Irene shared. "Mira was sitting in the middle of the hay barn, and she saw us, and she just took off, and she was gone. I couldn't believe the sibling came back," she continued. Mira was Lily's sibling who ran off the first day they met Matt. They took Mira to their house and introduced her again to Lily — it seems they still can recognize each other. Mira accompanied Lily all day because she missed her sibling a lot.

Lily and Mira were so lucky to be adopted by a couple who dedicate their lives to dog rescues. Matt and Irene fell in love with the siblings, who were later discovered to be Great Pyrenees and Anatolian Shepherd mixes. Although the couple loves them dearly, they still have to find a suitable home for them. Mira and Lily are available for adoption — you can visit the IM Dingo website and see more information about the process. Learn more about IM Dingo by following them on Instagram and TikTok.


Ergil Ermeno

I strive to learn and excel more in content creation, including blog writing, graphic design, social media posts, and video editing. Photography is one of those skills that I take an interest in. However, I do not use my photography skills for work as I treat the activity as my hobby. My usual subjects are my pets and loved ones. The lovely fur babies at home make photography even more fun, especially now that I am in a remote setup for work.

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