Mama Cat Has Rough Delivery But Sticks Around Long Enough to Make Sure Her Kittens Will Be Okay
Guest Contributor
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!
Very early this spring, a pregnant cat showed up at our home that we're restoring. We currently live 16 miles away but have our camper at this home for times when we can stay overnight. It was still cool, sometimes cold at night, and on the nights when she wanted to stay inside, I let her, since I would be there early the next day to let her out. We also had food, water, and a litter box set up for her in the camper, and she had access to a shed if she didn't stay in.

One day, she did not show up to stay inside. It was going to be rather cold, so I made sure she could get inside the shed if needed. The next two days, we saw no sign of her and were thinking she must have found her way back to her original home.
The third day, she showed up and was no longer pregnant. She had her kittens somewhere. I fixed her some food and water and left the camper door open, so she could get out to go to her babies while I worked inside the house. Later that day, I went out to the camper to prepare our dinner, and she was there. I said, "Little mama, you need to care for your babies." I petted her and went on with my work.

A few minutes later, I heard a faint meow. I looked under the sofa in the camper and saw a cute little kitten. No mama to be seen. But a few minutes later, I heard my husband talking to her as she came in with her second kitten. She went out again and came back with the stillborn body of a third kitten. She did not bring the deceased kitten in but dropped it outside in front of my husband.
He built a little wooden box and we buried it for her. She came inside with the two kittens. We took all three to the vet. The mom had had difficulty with the delivery of the stillborn. The vet said she may not pull through, as it looked like she had had a rough life before she found us. She seemed to be doing well. She fed the babies and took good care of them, taught them to use the litter box. She sat in my lap every evening and the kitties played in the area she chose for them.

I noticed she seemed to be weak and lethargic one day, and I carried her back to the vet's. The vet was surprised she was still with us. We believe she wanted to make sure her babies were going to be loved and cared for and ready for a home.
She died sitting in my lap. I wish she had found us sooner so she could have had a better, longer life. She is buried beside her baby. And the other two are quite a pair. Happy and healthy and very loving like their mom. The boy sits in my lap like his mom did, and the girl is crazy about my husband. Both of them go everywhere we go.
Story submitted by Sandra Lothridge.
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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