Kind Stranger Takes Pet Dog to Vet After it's Hit By Car

Kind Stranger Takes Pet Dog to Vet After it's Hit By Car

This story was submitted as part of the Fur-tastic Scrapbook contest. Winners will receive $500, plus $2,000 in cash and supplies for their favorite rescue. Submissions are being accepted through July 13. To share your story, click here!

Ella’s beautiful Eskie smile always makes me smile. I try to share her story every chance I can. Ella is now 7, but back when she was a-year-and-a-half-old, I lived on a 60-acre farm, way off the road. Ella was well behaved so was let out to run and play off-leash.

Then one day she didn’t come back in. I searched frantically. As I was yelling for her, searching the acres, driving back and forth down the long lane searching, a vehicle pulled in. A guy stepped out, asking if I had a white dog. He said he saw her on the side of the road, thought she was dead so stopped to move her, and when he picked her up, felt her heartbeat. He took her to the closest vet, my vet, and paid $100 for them to start treating her.

Ella had a brain contusion, suffered seizures for a few months, visited many vets, and had many tests.

I try to use her story as a testament to ALWAYS KEEP YOUR DOGS SAFE from roaming and running! Ella and I got lucky! Many thousands of dollars later.

Here’s her beautiful Eskie smile now, seven years later, happy and healthy.


Story submitted by Tana Slifko in support of Speranza Animal Rescue. Submit your Fur-tastic Scrapbook story here!

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