Blind, Deaf Senior Dog Was Neglected, But Now She's Safe in a New Home
Guest Contributor
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!
I adopt senior dogs. They are so gentle, appreciative, and already trained. Sometimes when I’m ready to adopt, I have a hard time finding a senior. That was the case with Gertie. I finally called animal control in the next county over.
They told me they had a senior, 11-years-old, whose owner had died about three months prior. The relative couldn’t keep her. She also said that Gertie was blind and had been neglected. I went to see her.
She had been living in the office under an employee’s chair and was very shy. She hadn’t been groomed in years, and a terrible smell was coming from the bad teeth in her mouth. She also had a bacterial skin infection on her back which was very itchy. I brought her home and she had her teeth pulled, the skin infection has cleared up, and she is a great companion!
Besides being blind, she is also deaf. Can you imagine?! She must be so scared most of the time. She has no problem using the doggy door or finding me in my garden. It’s been six months, and she still shakes like she’s scared during her baths and especially in the car, since it has usually meant a trip to the vet. Just about four weeks ago was the first time she stuck her head out the car window while we were driving! A milestone.
She finally feels comfortable with me and I try to take her everywhere with me. I try to make their last years be some of their best years. Hers was a life worth saving, and I’m so glad to have her be my constant companion.

Story submitted by Janice from Carson City, Nevada.
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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