Outdoor Enthusiast Dog 'Hates to Go Anywhere Without His Backpack'
Guest Contributor
The following story was an entrant in the Tales of Summer Tails Photo and Story contest. The top three finishers received $500 in cash, as well as $2,000 in cash and supplies for their favorite shelter. To read more stories, click here!
Gibson loves hiking and hates to go anywhere without his backpack. He is in charge of cargo transport and mobile audio and he takes his job very seriously!
We hike every day in New Hampshire. We startled a bear last month, so he carries a Bluetooth speaker now so the bears know when we are around and generally steer clear of us. He once cried like a baby and hid behind me when a squirrel chirped at him, but he will try to tree a bear.
I enjoy foraging for wild mushrooms and have had some success training him to find mushies and signal. I get the scent of a mushroom on one hand, and when he sniffs it, he gets cheese from the other hand. He will paw at the ground when he’s found a mushroom and wait for his treat.

He is young and very easily distracted, but he’s getting better at it.
This story was submitted by Laurie Chester in support of Big Fluffy Dog Rescue. To read other stories from the Tales of Summer Tails Photo and Story contest, click here!

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