One-Eyed Kitten That Rides Around on Shoulders Struggles to Find Home

One-Eyed Kitten That Rides Around on Shoulders Struggles to Find Home

Charles Cone

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

Iris was born under an abandoned trailer in Stuarts Draft, Virginia in the late summer. The trailer was removed, leaving no shelter.

Her feral mother was killed by some kids who shot her with BBs. A kind soul found Iris and her brother, only about 3 weeks old, and brought them to the local vet. Both suffered from sunburn. Iris's brother seemed fine, but he died overnight.


Iris had badly infected eyes. The vet had to remove one eye; she saved the other, but there was a large scar on the cornea.

She was too young to be adopted, so she spent her time riding on a vet tech's shoulder while they did their rounds. They named her Iris.

When she was old enough, the vet asked my wife and me to adopt her. The vet was worried no one would want her because she was almost blind. Being suckers, my wife and I adopted her.

After we got home, she loved to ride on my shoulder and chirp. After she grew too big to ride on my shoulder, she wanted me to hold her in my arms.

She is now over 3 years old and rarely chirps. She can see well enough to get around, and has an active life and kitty friends. Her favorite place to sleep is still in my arms, and she craves attention.

Photo: Charles Cone

My wife says she is spoiled, but I don't care!

Story submitted by Charles Cone from Crozet, Virginia.

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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