Nine Kittens Rescued After They'd Been Abandoned in the Woods with Their Mothers
Guest Contributor
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!
This past summer while visiting friends in another town, we decided to go for a hike. While we were driving through the woods looking for trails near the road, my friend yelled "KITTY! There was a cat back there! Turn around!" We ended up in a gravel pull-off and saw a cat sitting next to the road. She came up to us and started meowing and rubbing up against our legs. Then, before we knew it, another cat emerged from the woods, and then we saw more cats! Turns out, there were two mama cats and their nine babies that had been abandoned in the woods.

My friends and I are all crazy cat ladies, so we knew we had to help. We brought them back with us, fed them, washed them, and called around to the shelters. None could take them until a week later, so we called everybody we knew to ask if they wanted a cat. Eventually, we found a couple friends who would take them, so I took them back to my house until I had time to drive them six hours to their new home.
While the cats were staying in my garage, I was trying very hard to not get attached. However, being a cat lover whose 18-year-old family cat had just passed away a couple months earlier, I could not resist. I grew very fond of the two little runts who needed a little extra TLC. I begged my boyfriend, who is slightly allergic to cats, to let us keep them and he relented, under one condition. He only asked that he got to name them. So, now I'm a very happy cat mom with my two spoiled boys, Lucifer and Beelzebub.

Story submitted by Alexandra Dominguez from Manhattan, Kansas.
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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