Skittish Kitten with Plastic Drink Top Stuck Around Her Neck Rescued in Group Effort
Guest Contributor
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!
Mira was rescued from the big city here in Connecticut. Our landlord at the time had been out and about when she saw a small black kitten with a plastic coffee dome cap around her neck, the ones that come on top of the coffee coolattas.

She was scared and struggling to get it off of her, and it was getting tighter as she was growing. It took a few hours, some amazing people, and a large blanket to catch her. She was a fighter!
She was brought to the vet to see how her health was, and not only was she perfectly healthy, but she was a strong little girl. She was in quarantine for about a week; she was not happy to be inside, so she bit one of the vets.

My mother-in-law had just lost her cat of several years, and it was a perfect time to adopt, as she was ready for a new baby. At the same time, we were moving in...
Well, three years later, Miss Mira has quite the attitude, has no desire to go outside, and has "trained" all of us! She knows how to get treats from each of us. My mother-in-law is the groomer, my husband is the playmate, and I'm the snuggler! (I'm the only one who can pick her up... I always ask first.)

She has spunk, has filled out, and is the queen of the house! I swear she talks back to us, too. If I ask her if I can pick her up, she either turns and sits so I can, or she chirps and runs away... funny little kitty!
Story submitted by Kim from Hamden, Connecticut.
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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