Cat Ends Up at Shelter After Her Owner Dies During Hurricane

Cat Ends Up at Shelter After Her Owner Dies During Hurricane

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

Hurricane Katrina had come through southern Mississippi. It had destroyed our home. It had been a few years since I had a cat. When we got our new home about a year after the storm, I went to the local animal rescue league shelter to find a kitten. I knew it would comfort me.

There were many there, but then, over to the side I saw this big pure white 6-year-old girl.


The staff person in charge said that she had belonged to an elderly lady who had passed away during the hurricane, and added how she kept purposely mislaying "Miss Sugar's" paperwork because she didn't have the heart to have her put to sleep.

The poor baby had made sores on her front legs trying to get to people. But alas, nobody wanted a 6-year-old cat who was profoundly deaf, had one blue eye, one green eye, and seemed so upset and torn up on her legs. Well, of course she was upset over being locked in the cage for a whole year!

My tears just flowed. I asked if I could hold her. Miss Sugar purred so loudly and just rubbed those cheeks against my shoulder, and head bopped me. Sugar went home with me that day, and spent the rest of her life never locked up in any cage or room ever again. She and I discovered a sort of sign language between us. She was my constant companion and friend.


She passed away a couple of years ago, but I will always remember the bond that I made with her when we both needed so desperately to heal.

Story submitted by Angela C from Macomb, Illinois.

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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