Uncle Charlie's Promise

Uncle Charlie's Promise

This story was originally shared TheAnimalRescueSite.GreaterGood.com. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

My uncle Charlie always loved cats. When I was young he had so many. Every weekend when I visited him I'd watch him pick up strays off the street.. He'd bring them home and feed them.


If they were sick he'd take them to the vet at his own out of pocket expense. I'd watch him take care of them and give them the love and attention they deserved. When ever he attended to the cats he had the biggest smile.

I always wanted a cat. For years Uncle Charlie promised, one day he'd give me a cat. Of course, my mother always said no because we already had a great big dog. Years went by and I went away to college.

I didn't see my uncle much after that. When I did see him he'd always tease me that he was getting ready to find me a cat.

One night I received a call. Uncle Charlie had a heart attack. He didn't make it. The most generous man with the biggest heart I knew, and it just gave out.

I slipped outside to sit on my porch that night. When I thought I was alone with my sadness it turned out that I wasn't. Two little yellowish green eyes were watching me from the wooded area. She trotted right up to me and meowed climbing into my lap.

 width=PHOTO: Ronnie

She looked so young, small, dirty, and hungry so I fed her tuna and a bowl of water. After feeding her we sat for a long time on the porch in silence with her on my lap. After confirming no one owned her we took her to the vet and adopted her.

Precious and I still have our silent moments we just sit. Just us girls. She always knows. I truly believe Uncle Charlie fulfilled his one last promise he made so many years ago.

Story submitted by Ronnie of Portland, Oregon.

Precious's story was originally shared on theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com. Share your very own rescue story here!

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