Just After Visiting an Art Show, Animal Lover Comes Across Cat Resembling One in Painting
Guest Contributor
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!
Everything in life happens for a reason.
I live in Guadalajara, Mexico, and a few months ago I went to an art show celebrating the late Spanish surrealist painter Remedios Varo. That night, I was captivated by one particular painting called "El paraíso de los gatos" or "The cat's paradise" because there was this little black cat in the painting that made no sense. All the cats were playing or something and this one wasn't, so I thought that the cat must be the artist's "alter ego."
A few hours later, I got a phone call from my boss telling me that he couldn't go on a business trip planned for the next day and so I had to go to his home for some papers and money. When I got there, he asked me if I could go with him to the ATM, so we went. While I waited for him, I saw a little black cat like the one in the painting crying in a weird way. People were passing by but no one seemed to care. When I got closer, I noticed little drops of blood, and to my surprise, the cat's tail was removed.
I took the cat in a hurry and told my boss to drive me to the closest vet. When I got there, the vet told me that the cat was very weak and malnourished and so maybe couldn't take the surgery. He told me that someone tore the cat's tail. I couldn't believe it, I couldn't believe what was happening in the mind of that person. But anyway, I left the little one at the vet hoping for the best.

I went the next day, and the whole week, to see how the cat was progressing. At that time, I was searching for a foster home because I live in a small apartment and already have two cats. But surely this little survivor stole my heart. Obviously I called her Remedios because we were meant to be together, maybe since the late artist drew that painting in 1955.
Story submitted by Alex Ronalds from Guadalajara, Mexico.
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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