Runt of the Litter Was Terrified of the Outdoors, Now She Can't Walk Long Enough

Runt of the Litter Was Terrified of the Outdoors, Now She Can't Walk Long Enough

The following story is a finalist in the Rescue to Royalty Challenge. Three grand prize winners will receive a $250 shopping spree, while a shelter of their choosing will be awarded $2,000 in cash and needed supplies! You can vote for your favorite story here through May 8!

Koda was adopted in February 2022 from White Oak Animal Safe Haven. She was the runt of her litter and had a pretty bad eye infection, so she was already off to a rough start in her little world.


When we went to meet her, she immediately bonded with us and wouldn’t leave our sides. From that very first day, we knew she would be the perfect addition to our home. A few days later, we got a call that she was ours.

We were treating her eye infection with the help of the shelter, and when we took her back to have a check up, the staff asked me how she was adjusting to life at home. I explained that things were going really well, but that she was a little nervous when outside and didn’t want to venture too far from home.


The staff member looked at me and said, “Well, I don’t think she had ever seen the outdoors until she came to us.” And that completely broke my heart. She explained that when the litter arrived, they were completely covered in feces and really needed to be cleaned up.

Upon coming to her forever home, Koda adjusted so well. She was so playful and cuddly and just a really happy pup. That still rings true two years later. She lays on her mom's lap every night to rest and plays with all of her squeaky toys with her dad.

Now she loves the outdoors and goes for two-mile walks every single day, and I think she would keep going if we didn’t tell her to stop. She’s so curious and adventurous and loves to be doing whatever her humans are. Her eye infection cleared up within a few weeks and now you’d never know that she ever had an issue.


Koda was looked over from the very beginning, but we have seen her through her challenges the entire way. She’s the light of our days and has such a big personality for a little girl. We are so thankful that we were chosen to be her paw-rents!

This story was submitted by Jennifer Crupie in support of White Oak Animal Safe Haven, Inc. You can read more Rescue to Royalty Challenge stories and vote for your favorite here!

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