Rescuing Romeo

Rescuing Romeo

May 9th, 4 years ago I went to see this poor, abused little dog. He was considered the worst case abuse ever in West Los Angeles history.

 width=PHOTO: Nikki May

When I first saw him, he was like nothing I've ever seen before. Matted beyond belief, 3 legs, epileptic, and brain damage. On top of that, he had lost the ball in his left hip. People would walk by and ask what that 'thing' was. It was heart breaking.

I had to save this little guy that was sure to die if no one rescued him.

He had been chained up in the back of a house left to die. He had will power, though. Somehow, he made an escape... only to be hit by a car and chained back up to die again.

When the rescue people found him, he had one leg eaten away by maggots. The chain around his neck was so tight he had damage to his throat. Rescuers gave him one day to left to live. I took him to the vet and that's when I found out he had all those horrible things from getting hit by the car.

Now 4 years later he's the happiest, goofiest most lovable character you'll ever meet. He's my best friend, my true love, and the most lovable dog. The people who did this to him, thank God, they got jail time! Karma.

My Romeo saved me as much as I saved him. He's my true Romeo, hence his name.

Animal abuse MUST stop! By sharing our story I only hope that people read this and realize that animal abuse IS NOT OKAY. Rescue animals are the most faithful, loving, amazing animals you will ever find.


I found My Romeo! Please let's continue the fight to save these beautiful creatures. All my love goes out to all the people who take in these once damaged abused creatures as they make the best pets ever.

I don't know what I would do without my little guy. I hope this story inspires others to take a chance on the worst case abused animals. They will change your life. This is my story of me and MY Romeo!!!

Story submitted by Nikki May of Los Angeles, California.

Romeo's story was originally shared on Share your very own rescue story here!

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