Russia Launches Massive Attack on Ukraine as Volunteers Attempt to Rescue Animals Near Front Lines

Russia Launches Massive Attack on Ukraine as Volunteers Attempt to Rescue Animals Near Front Lines

Photo: United for Animals

Our hearts are breaking for the people and pets of Ukraine. Russia launched a massive attack on Monday with missiles and drones targeting more than half of Ukraine. Vital infrastructures were damaged, and several lives lost.

Ukraine military members and volunteers are trying to save as many lives as possible, but the attacks continue to intensify. 

Photo: United for Animals

The recent missile strikes have targeted energy facilities and knocked out power and water to many during sweltering temperatures.  

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said the attack was, "Like most previous Russian strikes, this one was just as vile, targeting critical civilian infrastructure."

Patron Pet Center

Iryna Podvoiska, Shelter Director at Patron Pet Center in Kyiv, told us that both shelter animals and staff are terrified. The center has lost power due to the attack and is operating in complete darkness, including taking in new pets. 

Photo: Patron Pet Center

Missiles are still raining down around the center as the loud noises rattle through the building. 

Photo: Patron Pet Center

Thankfully, the center is intact, and all the animals are safe. Evacuated animals continue to arrive from the front lines and Iryna said that the center is currently caring for 200 animals - the most yet. 

Photo: Patron Pet Center

She said, "We receive evacuated animals from the frontline region every day.... as the military front moves and the Russians conquer more and more territories, wiping out all living things from the face of the earth." 

Photo: Patron Pet Center

The center recently took in two older dogs and two cats from a family that was unable to leave their home. Iryna shared, "The family cannot evacuate because their work is related to critical infrastructure. They asked to save their animals, since they cannot leave, and the front is already 3 kilometers away from them."

United for Animals

United for Animals (UfA) coordinator, Natalia, risks her life daily to save dogs and cats left behind. She lives just 3 miles from the front line and the area is constantly under attack. 

She remains in the war zone to rescue animals, even though she is scared for her life. 

Photo: United for Animals

UfA told us, "She knows that each trip could be her last, yet she continues to return to the war zone, risking everything. She cannot abandon the animals to their fate. She believes that her mission is important, and each saved life is worth the risk. She does this not for glory or recognition but because she cannot do otherwise. Her heart is filled with love for the animals, and she is ready to do everything to protect them."

Photo: United for Animals

Her car was recently hit by missiles, but due to a delay she was thankfully not inside.

Photo: United for Animals

The hope of her beautiful city being at peace again and all animals safe in a home gives her the strength she needs to continue.   

Photo: United for Animals

With no end to the war in sight, these heroes need our ongoing support to provide food and medical care to all the rescued dogs and cats. 

Donate now and help protect innocent victims of war. 

Andrea Powell

Andrea Powell is an animal enthusiast who resides in West Michigan. When not writing, she is exploring the great outdoors with her dogs and horses.

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