Bull Terrier Rescued From Abusive Owner, Finds Loving Home with an Officer Who Visited Him Often

Bull Terrier Rescued From Abusive Owner, Finds Loving Home with an Officer Who Visited Him Often

Champ’s story was originally shared in the Clear the Shelters Adoption Story Challenge on ShelterChallenge.com. Create your own free Shelter Challenge account and vote for your favorite shelter or rescue group to win cash and prizes. Every time you vote we’ll give an extra donation to shelters!

Champ was brought to our shelter with severe injuries. It was reported that he had been dragged behind a truck. He needed intensive medical treatment, and criminal charges were brought against his owner. Severe "burns" to the feet and legs required daily wound care and hydrotherapy, and Champ also suffered from injuries to other areas of his body, which were thankfully not as severe. His rehabilitation, under the care of our staff veterinarian, took months.

abused rescue dog adopted officer Photo: April Peiffer

Champ's luck changed quickly once he arrived at our shelter, though. He caught the eye of one of the law enforcement officers who'd learned of his case, and that officer came to visit Champ regularly while Champ was being treated. The officer took Champ in as a foster and he eventually adopted Champ!

abused rescue dog adopted officer Photo: April Peiffer

Champ touched the hearts of many in our local community, and now every time a Bull Terrier comes into the shelter, we hear his name repeated. People love to hear updates and see what he's been up to in his loving new home. Champ was a special guest at our 10th Annual Fur Ball, where he stole the show in his handsome attire. We love Champ and are so happy we could help him heal from all of his wounds, physical and emotional, and we hope you'll vote for Champ's adoption story!

Story submitted by April Peiffer.

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