12 Signs You Need More Magnesium In Your Diet

12 Signs You Need More Magnesium In Your Diet

Magnesium deficiency is a condition that is often overlooked, yet it can be the cause or a contributing factor to several health problems. Take a look at this list to make sure you're not experiencing signs of magnesium deficiency.

12. Chocolate Cravings


Dark chocolate is filled with magnesium. When your body is craving chocolate, it might be really asking for sufficient magnesium in your diet.

11. Overindulgence in Sodas


If you drink carbonated beverages daily, you may be flushing much-needed magnesium out of your body. The phosphates contained in most sodas bind with magnesium so your body can't use it.

10. Stress


Stress has a multitude of effects on the body, including increasing heart rate and blood pressure, as well as triggering the release of various hormones. Another result of stress is depletion of the body's magnesium stores.

9. Muscle Cramps


If you find your muscles cramping up or spasming, magnesium deficiency may be a root cause. Magnesium helps relax your muscles and keeps them from seizing up and cramping.

8. A Sweet Tooth


When sugar is refined, the molasses and magnesium are removed. When you overindulge in refined sugar, your body excretes magnesium through the kidneys.

7. Inability to Sleep


Difficulty getting to sleep can be a sign of magnesium deficiency, as can difficulty staying asleep. Often insomnia and related sleep disturbances are a result of an electrolyte imbalance, which in turn can be caused by low magnesium levels.

6. High Blood Pressure


Many factors contribute to high blood pressure, including magnesium deficiency. Magnesium relaxes your blood vessels, lowering your blood pressure.

5. Caffeine Consumption


When you ingest too much caffeine, your kidneys release magnesium whether your body needs it or not. If you're a regular coffee drinker, you're at an increased risk for magnesium deficiency.

4. Abnormal Heart Rhythms


Just as magnesium helps your muscles to keep from cramping, it helps your heart to function properly. If you experience [irregular heartbeats], lack of sufficient magnesium could be a contributing factor.

3. Constipation


Magnesium helps your intestines relax in the same way it helps blood vessels become more open. If you have enough magnesium, your body also pulls extra water into your bowels, which helps prevent constipation.

2. Increased Alcohol Intake


If you drink alcohol on a regular basis, the amount of magnesium in your body could be low by as much as 30 percent. Alcohol encourages the kidneys to flush out magnesium and makes the digestive system less effective.

1. Facial Tics


If you experience eye twitches or facial tics, you are very possibly experiencing a magnesium deficit. In fact, these signs are classical clinical tests for calcium and magnesium deficiency.

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