Helping Small-Scale Farmers Thrive: How Americans Can Support Sustainable Agriculture
Matthew Russell
Adobe Stock / Oleg
Small-scale farmers are the backbone of food production in many developing countries, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations reports, yet they often lack access to education and resources that could help them improve their yields and livelihoods. This lack of support can have devastating consequences, not just for the farmers themselves, but also for the communities and countries that depend on them for food.
Studies show that one of the major challenges small-scale farmers face is a lack of access to education and training on modern farming techniques. Many of these farmers have inherited their land and methods from their ancestors, and may not have the knowledge or resources to adopt new technologies or practices that could improve their yields. As a result, their farms are often less productive and less resilient to climate change and other challenges.
This leaves farmers more likely to experience crop failures due to weather extremes such as droughts, floods, and storms. As well, loss of income and food security, compounded by the difficulty in making a living from farming, reports the World Economic Forum.
According to the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, another key issue small-scale farmers may face is a lack of access to financial resources, such as credit and loans. Small-scale farmers often lack the collateral or credit history required to access traditional banking services, leaving them reliant on informal lenders who may charge exorbitant interest rates, the PennState Extension reports. This can trap farmers in a cycle of debt, making it difficult for them to invest in their farms or improve their livelihoods.

Help make a difference for small-scale farmers facing economic adversity.
In addition to these challenges, small-scale farmers also often struggle with inadequate infrastructure and services. Studies show they may lack access to markets, storage facilities, and transportation, which can make it difficult for them to sell their products or keep them fresh. This lack of infrastructure can also make it harder for small-scale farmers to access inputs, such as seeds and fertilizer.
The lack of education and resources for small-scale farmers has serious consequences for food security and rural development. As TechnoServe reports, Small-scale farmers are often unable to produce enough food to feed their families, let alone sell surpluses at market. This can lead to chronic food insecurity and malnutrition, which in turn can exacerbate poverty and other social issues.
According to The Conversation, there are also wider implications for the economy, since small-scale farming provides employment and income to millions of people in rural areas, and it also contributes to food security and food sovereignty.
The lack of education and resources for small-scale farmers is a major challenge that must be addressed if we are to achieve sustainable food systems and reduce hunger and poverty. As National Geographic reports, supporting small-scale farmers through education, training, and access to resources such as credit and markets, is essential for achieving food security and rural development.
There are steps you can take to help small-scale farmers thrive in today's economy:

One of the major challenges small-scale farmers face is a lack of access to education and training on modern farming techniques.
5. Support small-scale farmers by buying from them directly.
Many small-scale farmers sell their products at farmers' markets or through community-supported agriculture programs. By buying from them directly, you can help them get a fair price for their products and build a sustainable income.

Supporting small-scale farmers through education, training, and access to resources such as credit and markets, is essential for achieving food security and rural development.
4. Invest in small-scale farmers
Invest in small-scale farmers by supporting organizations that provide education and resources to farmers. Many organizations provide training and resources to small-scale farmers, helping them improve their yields and livelihoods.

Small-scale farmers also often struggle with inadequate infrastructure and services.
3. Advocating for policies that support small-scale farmers.
Contact your representatives and ask them to support policies that would help small-scale farmers access education, resources, and markets.

There are steps you can take to help small-scale farmers thrive in today's economy.
2. Reduce food waste
Reduce food waste by being mindful of what you buy and how much you consume. Food waste is a major problem in the United States, and reducing it can help small-scale farmers by increasing demand for their products.
1. Educate yourself
Educate yourself and others about the importance of small-scale farmers and the challenges they face. The more people know about these issues, the more likely they are to support small-scale farmers and advocate for policies that help them.
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Matthew Russell is a West Michigan native and with a background in journalism, data analysis, cartography and design thinking. He likes to learn new things and solve old problems whenever possible, and enjoys bicycling, spending time with his daughters, and coffee.