Matthew Russell

Matthew Russell

Matthew Russell is a West Michigan native and with a background in journalism, data analysis, cartography and design thinking. He likes to learn new things and solve old problems whenever possible, and enjoys bicycling, spending time with his daughters, and coffee.

Articles by Matthew Russell

Know Your Pollinators — Hidden Heroes Saving Our Food Supply Every Day

Know Your Pollinators — Hidden Heroes Saving Ou...

From bats that pollinate at night to butterflies adding a splash of color and beetles carrying out ancient duties, our ecosystems rely on a diverse army of unsung heroes.

Know Your Pollinators — Hidden Heroes Saving Ou...

From bats that pollinate at night to butterflies adding a splash of color and beetles carrying out ancient duties, our ecosystems rely on a diverse army of unsung heroes.

SAFE Bet Act Targets Predatory Sportsbook Practices to Protect Youth

SAFE Bet Act Targets Predatory Sportsbook Pract...

Teens are getting hooked on sports betting, and the risks are rising fast.

SAFE Bet Act Targets Predatory Sportsbook Pract...

Teens are getting hooked on sports betting, and the risks are rising fast.

Pit Bull Prankster Luna Calls Groomer in Hilarious Mix-Up

Pit Bull Prankster Luna Calls Groomer in Hilari...

Imagine picking up the phone and hearing barks and borks asking for a spa appointment! 

Pit Bull Prankster Luna Calls Groomer in Hilari...

Imagine picking up the phone and hearing barks and borks asking for a spa appointment! 

Discover Why Your Pets Are Suddenly Racing Around the House

Discover Why Your Pets Are Suddenly Racing Arou...

These high-speed, joyous bursts of energy, known as zoomies, are more than just random acts of chaos.

Discover Why Your Pets Are Suddenly Racing Arou...

These high-speed, joyous bursts of energy, known as zoomies, are more than just random acts of chaos.

The Power of Pandas — China's Diplomatic Strategy and Conservation Success

The Power of Pandas — China's Diplomatic Strate...

China's panda diplomacy is more than just sending adorable bears around the world.

The Power of Pandas — China's Diplomatic Strate...

China's panda diplomacy is more than just sending adorable bears around the world.

Child Labor Violations Surge in the U.S. as Protections Weaken

Child Labor Violations Surge in the U.S. as Pro...

Recent fatalities and hazardous work conditions highlight the urgent need for stronger protections.

Child Labor Violations Surge in the U.S. as Pro...

Recent fatalities and hazardous work conditions highlight the urgent need for stronger protections.