Mallen and Varg

I found Mallen and Varg going to the supermarket. It was a cold morning (31st of January in 2012). They were "packed" in a plastic bag with their three sisters, and put at the entrance of the supermarket with a board reading " adopt us please".They were so young their ears were still closed. I called the local shelter people who sent me to hell (I know, they are crazy sometimes), so I took them home. 5 babies to take care of was a big challenge. I didn't launder that much for my own babies :-D We bottle fed them with my kids every 4 hours, the 3 girls were adopted and we kept Varg and Mallen who joined our happy family of dogs and cats. And here they are, 8 years later. They love each other so much it's moving. They have one "sister" dog (Sookie) and a big "brother (Alcide) and 4 "brothers" cats and a "sister" cat. My kids left home to live in New York where the were born (we live in Corsica, France), and I must say that all those furry "kids" make me smile every day and bring so much love and joy in my home that I don't know how I'd do without them.

Martine Garzon