Mongo - who makes us laugh each day

We lost our 13 year old rescue Rebecca and waited a year before going to Little Shelter on Long Island to find Mongo. He was 1-1/2 years old, originally from Kentucky and had been adopted by a family with three kids but given up again. I assumed it was because he jumped like he was on a pogo stick and probably knocked the little ones down. There could be no other reason to give him up since he's the sweetest, most well-behaved, (except for the jumping) funny dog we have known.

He just turned 11 and has moved with us to Pennsylvania and pretty much stays in the bigger yard that has no fence - very different from his other home - checking out all the new smells. He's made a friend with his neighbor Rogue, but still hasn't seemed to be able to like the cats yet.

He's as playful as a puppy and wants to share his toys with everyone who walks through the door, yet loves trying out his five different beds in all places of the house. He does something every single day to make us laugh, whether it's throwing his toys in the air, putting them back in his toy box or "talking" to us with his various guttural grunts and sounds. We couldn't love him any more than we do and he is part of our family.

Karen Mandart