My supercute kitty ever.

Down by the coastline in Charleston, Oregon, where I found a bunch of homeless cats in 2010, I noticed a long-haired orange tabby and fell in love with him at first sight. He was one of the kittens in a cat family of four and was so playful, around 4-weeks-old. I looked at this fluffy kitten and wondered why nobody picked him up. I felt that I never wanted to let him go. Then I decided to adopt and proudly brought him home. I called him Oscar. I picked this name because I thought it was a cool name.

Six months later, Oscar grew up to be a super cute and talkative cat. He loved to be around people and liked to be petted. Although Oscar was never a mouser, my family and I loved him so much because he was a sweet one and got along well with other cats.

In years gone by, Oscar was always an outdoor pet. He really enjoyed his entire life exploring around. As Oscar was not neutered, he often stayed away from home hanging out with neighbor cats. We didn't get Oscar fixed because we hoped that he would make a cute kitten just like him.

Sadly, Oscar lost his leg and became disabled in 2013. At the time, nobody had an idea what happened. Was it a bad accident or a big fight? The only thing I noticed was Oscar bleeding all over and his back leg was missing. He was crying and hiding under the deck. We did our best to heal Oscar and he was okay.

A few months later, he finally got used to walking with his three legs even though it was not comfortable for him.
In his final year, Oscar continued his happy life with us. Like always, he spent a lot of time wandering around our neighborhood.

Oscar completely disappeared in November 2014. My family and I felt deeply sorry about his disappearance. We spent many days looking for Oscar, but he has been gone for a long time without a trace.

Anne Goering