The boy next door

Buster lived in the barn at the farm nextdoor to our house, he turned up one May morning looking pathetic. He was so cuddly & sweet we couldn't resist loving him up whenever he came around. Well after a month or two of visiting he decided it was time to move in & in he came, right through our doggy door. At first we tried to find him a home with some friends, but no one wanted him & we thank our lucky stars everyday that he chose us. Our vet tells us he is a gorgeous example of a purebred American Shorthair. He is without a doubt the sweetest, cuddliest cat you'll ever meet (except we're pretty sure he thinks he 's a dog).
Our catchphrase is "Everyone loves Buster", and that's everyone..even people who don't like cats. We can't imagine our home without him, he's a happy member of our 4 cat, 3 dog household & he shares the love with every last one of us. He's been a lifesaver to our very old orange tabby, when old Beau found grooming himself too hard Buster took over & when they curl up together in their little basket there's nothing more adorable!

Karen R
Guelph, Canada