We built a cat sanctuary for neighborhood feral cats

Around 18 yrs ago, we became aware of many cats living on a property directly across the street from a stop sign on our street. There were no signs of basic needs (food, water, shelter), so we approached the homeowner and she agreed to let us get everyone spayed/neutered and then returned there.

We spent two years on the property caring for everyone. My husband built them a shelter and a neighbor let us plug in the heater when it was cold for $50/month because homeowner would not. The shelter is actually a good sized building which allowed everyone to go in and sleep/be safe/be warm: Jazmine, Baby, George, Callie, Starshine, Sidney, Midnight, Precious, Shadow and Itsy Bitsy Boo.

Going on 16 years ago, three dogs on the loose went to the property and attacked Baby. Eight days and $8000 later, she moved into our home and Cat Haven was built (well..that took some time).

They pretty much started out feral and scared. We only have one remaining in Cat Haven: Precious. She is friendly, sits on our laps, and loves attention. There are three sections to Cat Haven. One has a large building 8x12' with a heater, fan, shelves for beds, blankies, litter boxes, and toys. There is the smaller building which was relocated from the hoarder property they were rescued from. It has a heater, fan, shelves, etc. Both have windows, too.

Cat Haven in the snow looks like the movie The Shining with the snow piling on top of the metal product that is the roof.

You can get from one section to the next via gate or behind a shed. There are planks for them to run on in all three sections and they can look at the neighbors on three sides via the fences.

When we built Cat Haven in a hurry due to what happened to Baby, we never realized that we couldn't move until everyone had left for the Rainbow Bridge. That's okay.

We took in three "visitors/friends" that lived their lives outside as feral cats but then the owner had to move and could not take them with her. One has since returned to the owner and two remain with us: Artie who is 15 and has heart issues and Tortie who is 20 and has a growth of some kind on her face.

We are outside with them daily at least four times per day; we have benches out there to sit on and lounge chair. I read to them. They have electricity, music, lights, and tons of love.

We have loved having them be a part of our family, which has included, throughout the years, 20+ other rescue cats inside.

Jeff and Irene Anderson