My Life with Autism

My name is Lindsey Moreland. At 28 months old, my parents found out that I have autism. At five years old, I began to say a few words and starting talking with full sentences at the age of six. Autism does not go away, but I learned how to live with it. Special Children's Center helped me with speech and sensory therapy. There are still many challenges in my life. My head is extremely sensitive. I dislike haircuts and brushing my hair because it always feels like my hair is being ripped apart. Clothes don’t feel right either and there are certain clothes that I cannot wear. I am on a gluten-free diet, which helps my weak stomach and mood swings.
One of my most challenging struggles was socializing. I was bullied, ignored, and lonely in middle and high school. Students called me names like baby, stupid, and the r-word, students ignored me, and I couldn’t find a partner for class projects and field trips. I sat alone in the cafeteria. Bus rides were terrible, no one would sit by me or let me sit with them. No one wanted to go to special events with me. Students talked about me and laughed behind my back. After taking a stand and sharing my feelings on Facebook, I was asked to prom. It was a dream come ture, I had one great school experience.
Another dream that came true was graduating high school with honors. I am currently studying at the university, majoring in elementary education with a minor of Spanish. Not only I am becoming a teacher, but I also have a dream to become a motivational speaker and an activist for bullying. I am also making plans to write my own book. I met Temple Grandin when she spoke about autism about five years ago. Because of Temple, it's important to spread the word so other people can understand and accept other people with autism. In Ellen DeGeneres's own words, "Be kind to one another," that's the quote that everyone should hear. Thank you!

Lindsey Moreland
River Falls, WI