Hello, I am a loving mother of a three year old boy who has Autism. He was diagnosed at two. I have learned so Much from him and he definantly made me a stronger person. he is a vary intelligent child but sometimes just dont know how to show it. So many simple little things can make him have a (meltdown). Just simple like i didnt put enough goldfish snacks in his bowl, or didnt cover him up right before bedtime. and so many other little things. he is vary specific on what he wants. the hard thing is he will be four in june and still is non-verbal. he does say a few things such as Mama, Dada, Gamma, And Stop! (lol) my dream is to have him tell me he loves me. I would just love to hear it atleast once! also i wanted to point out that all people should get a little knowledge on autism. its hard goin to the store and we go down a wrong isle and my boy has a (meltdown) ppl look at u like ur a crap mother and lets the child get away with everything. If only people REALLY knew. its so sad. theres many times i tell my mother i need to open a separate bank account called (bail me outta jail) lol because i just want to deck some people when they label my child as a BRAT! These children who have autism did not ask to be born with a disabiliy........... I am going to whatever i can to Help my child reach his goals. AND I WILL.

warren, MI