My million dollar smile

My son was born on a stormy day in 1995. He has an older brother who currently attends a prestigious university and a younger sister in high school who excels both academically and socially. All three children are close, but it hasn't always been easy. Academic success for Ryan required persistent effort and still does. He lacks organizational skills and social cues are often missed. Yet he shines in his own beautiful way and is loved by all who have taken the time to know him. Ryan has taught me, my family, and others, what unconditional love is and what it means to be truly present in the given moment. He takes pleasure in simple things, asks little to nothing, and gives all he has and then some. In spite of lagging behind his peers in society's eyes, Ryan has taught us all what the payoff of hard work is and how important it is to never give up, even in the face of failure. You would know this if you were to meet Ryan, by looking into his bright blue eyes and sharing his million dollar smile. Nineteen years later, through joy and tears, he has successfully completed his first year in college, is an accomplished Japanese Taiko drummer, a member of Alpha Gamma Sigma Honor Society, and active in church and community activities. Long ago, it was so hard for me to figure out his place, especially regarding his education (being an educator myself). But the day that I gave it all to God and accepted Ryan for the beautiful, loving spirit that he is, changed me and our journey together. For this, I am so grateful for my special son. He is a blessing to all who know him, and especially to me. I love you, Ryan!

Aptos, CA