ARS Black Friday 11/25/22





Saturday 11/26/22





Sunday 11/27/22





Cyber Monday 11/28/22





  1. Hot Buys
    • There was some last minute changes to the hot buy copy and images. Next year I would love to avoid that. I feel like some of the hot buy images weren’t as strong as they could have been because I was no longer able to feature some of the new products brought in specifically for BF/CM.
  2. Product Features
    • Continue testing in 2023.
    • Probably not worth it to use the space during the next BF/CM
  3. November Sales
    • Any other sales will be featured on the homepage during the BF/CM period.
    • The Jewelry Sale results are interesting, but based off of historical data and not knowing if those clicks lead to a purchase, I don’t know if anything should be changed for next year.
  4. Gift Guides
    • Next year feature them higher up the page
    • There was concern featuring these too high up the page and placing them above sales or other promotions. They had been running since mid-October so there was also concern that this was getting stale to customers, but I think this learning shows that ARS customers are looking for gifts during BF/CM
    • I would narrow down the number of gift guides featured during BF/CM compared to this year so it only showed the key ones
  5. Category 3 Features
    • I was unsure how these would perform in general. This is a row that should continue to get tested this next year and monitor results.
    • I do think it should have a feature lower on the page for next year