In 2003, Johana Vazques was a single mom in Guadalajara struggling to support five children when she heard about Dichrodreams -- an enterprise which taught locals the art of dichroic glassmaking. Johana entered the training program and was soon making beautiful jewelry. She began earning a living wage, and her family's future changed forever.

Johana states: "Through my hard and skilled work I have been able to give food, shelter, education, and medical attention to my five kids. Two of the older ones now work in the company. It has been a world of opportunities for all of us."

Iridescent dichroic glass is made by combining crystal and metal at high heat, an art form that originated in ancient Rome. The artisans of Dichrodreams took the craft a step further by incorporating sterling silver into the mix in 1999, experimenting with new techniques. The result is an exceptional work of art. Today Dichrodreams jewelry is sold in 55 countries, making it a leader in the dichroic glass and silver jewelry industry.