GG Black Friday 11/25/22





Saturday 11/26/22





Sunday 11/27/22





Cyber Monday 11/28/22





  1. Overall
    • Impressions were typically lower YOY for GG. It's difficult to make any strong conclusions looking at day by day results for this site because of the low impressions further down the page. The product features, gift guides, and November sale sections were running for a couple of weeks so when I report on that refresh I will get a better gauge on how those sections performed. I'll be able to evaluate if BF/CM was a one off or in general if those sections did perform well and should be continued, improved, or expanded in terms of homepage real estate for Q4 2023.
  2. Hot Buys
    • There was some last minute changes to the hot buy copy and images. Next year I would love to avoid that. I feel like some of the hot buy images weren’t as strong as they could have been because I was no longer able to feature some of the new products brought in specifically for BF/CM.
    • Saturday and Sunday hot buy CTRs struggled in 2021 and continued to struggle in 2022.
  3. Product Features
    • Continue testing in 2023.
    • % offs were the most successful. I didn't see success featuring price points on product features which I had seen historically.
    • I don't think it's worth the space on GG for next BF/CM.
  4. November Sales
    • Any other sales will be featured on the homepage during the BF/CM period.
    • The Jewelry Sale results are interesting, but based off of historical data and not knowing if those clicks lead to a purchase, I don’t know if anything should be changed for next year.
  5. Gift Guides
    • Next year feature them higher up the page
    • There was less focus on Fair Trade since moving attention back to GG Peg. These results make me want to do some more testing to see if GG Peg is more interested in Fair Trade than I previously believed.
    • I would narrow down the number of gift guides featured during BF/CM compared to this year so it only shows key opportunities
  6. Category 3 Features
    • I was unsure how these would perform in general. This is a row that should continue to get tested this next year and monitor results.
    • I do think it should have a feature lower on the page for next year