NOVICA Artisan Flory Menezes
Flory Menezes
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The essence of life can't be seen without the eyes of the heart. Believing in this has made the visual arts my form of expression. For me art is not just found in that which is beautiful or aesthetically perfect, but in between, in the force of an expression or a gesture, in the magic of a silent visual dialogue, which impassions us, moves us, or captivates us magically.
It is this magic that fascinates me, and that is why I am obsessed, working hours without noticing the passage of time and despite fatigue, replete with energy. The magic of art is the presentation of a thought, the materialization of a feeling and the sharing of this with all those synchronized to understand the message through form, of the light and of the colors.
"In the year 2000 I reached 25 years in art. I have been passionate about sculpture since the beginning of the '90s. I literally hugged my first terracotta work — a material that allows me to work with the most refined finishes, thus distancing the sculpting from the arts and crafts with which it is normally associated. I achieve almost photographic realism, arriving at a surrealism which is always inspired by mythical, historical, and esoteric symbolism.
"With my work I have become a member of the National Sculpture Society in New York and the Brazilian Academy of Fine Arts in Rio de Janeiro." Menezes' creations have been exhibited throughout Brazil, as well as in New York, New Jersey, and Paris. She took third place in the Westfield Art Association art show and first place in the Exposição Brasil 500 anos da Academia Brasileira de Belas Artes.