Zimele Boilerplate — DO NOT DELETE

Rosetta Stander created Zimele, meaning “people stand on their own feet” in Zulu. Zimele is a non-profit organization that acts as a facilitator, not just feeding people for a day but leading them towards belief in their personal ability to work their way out of poverty. Rosetta decided to focus her efforts on women as they are the care-givers and the nurturers. Zimele is currently implementing its programs in four districts of KwaZulu-Natal with approximately 3500 women actively involved with Zimele.

Women are traditionally excellent crafters in Zulu society and many rural women have existing craft skills. Through Zimele they are trained to make high quality items, using their incredible talents. They work with fabric, felt and beads to make a range of stationery, bags, decorations, home goods and jewelry.

The Zimele model works to empower women by unlocking skills, resources, support systems and networks, and create new opportunities such as local and international markets and links to government programs.