North Carolina Police Ask For Name Suggestions For New K-9 Pup and Receive Thousands
Andrea Powell
Union County Sheriff's Office (UCSO) in Monroe, North Carolina, added a new employee to their department, an 11-week-old German shepherd puppy, but needed help with a proper name.
Sheriff Cathey decided to ask followers on Facebook for name suggestions for the K-9 and the response was overwhelming. The puppy, currently called "Puppy Doe", was pictured and those adorable ears and face had people near and far commenting.
The department provided some insight into the pup's personality so a fitting name could be found. They wrote, "While thinking of a name to submit, we want you to consider the following character traits observed in this new puppy up to this point:
- Likes long walks in the park
- Enjoys rolling around in the grass while being told not to
- Prone to public displays of affection (known to lick people without asking or providing prior notice)
- Enjoys tearing up a new tennis ball from time to time (only when the mood is right)
- Prefers his toys be thrown overhand, not underhand (Your guess is a good as ours on this one)
- Hails from a family of service dogs (mother was an explosives detection K-9)"
The names started coming in, but there are two that the department will not consider. 'Just to give everyone a heads up, “Sir Sitsalot” and “Fluffy” have been ruled out as potential names, we apologize for the inconvenience this may cause.'
One person proposed, "Valor. What better name for a K-9 officer who will give his life if need be for his handler and department?"
Another wrote, "With those ears, I think RADAR is a great name! He will be able to “track” down all the bad guys!"
Yet another great suggestion was, "Jeff— in memory of Sgt Jeffery Greene who lost his life in the line of duty in Union County. Would be a beautiful tribute to him."
The cutoff date was Friday at 8 a.m., which has passed, but there is no shortage of suggestions. Now the hard work begins of narrowing down the thousands of suggestions to just five.
"We will now compile a list of the five most popular names and will create a new social media post allowing all those who are willing to vote on their favorite name," posted UCSO.
Follow them on Facebook to vote on the final name and watch "Puppy Doe" grow in his K-9 role.

Andrea Powell is an animal enthusiast who resides in West Michigan. When not writing, she is exploring the great outdoors with her dogs and horses.