Dog Helps Her Fur Mom As She Works to Get Sober
Guest Contributor
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!
The love of my life came to me when I least expected her, before I knew I needed her. I was single and happily child-free, but on a visit to my sister and her family, my little nephew wanted to stop at a yard sale and pet the free puppies. Grace came home with me at 7-weeks-old and spent the next 13.5 years teaching me how to live and love.
Grace found me at my bottom, which continued for another two years before I was finally able to get sober. Grace loved me when there was nothing lovable about me, when I had no redeeming qualities. She brought me back into the light, and gave me courage when I was afraid. She taught me how to nurture, how to love, how to give of myself without expectation. She helped fill the gaping hole in my soul that is my constant companion.
She welcomed her litter mate Ginger into our family, who my sister had adopted from the same yard sale but who came to live with Grace and me eight months later. With their puppy eyes leading the way, a world opened up to me that I had shut myself away from for so long. Then came Peanut, followed by Stanley, and our little family of five was perfect and complete.
I lost Ginger, and then Stanley, and on August 28, 2015, I had to say goodbye to my Grace. She would have hung on for her Momma far past that day, but my selfishness has been tempered through the years, and she loved more in her 13.5 years than most people do in a lifetime. She was my touchstone, my talisman, my true north, and I am lost without her.

Three hundred fifty words are not enough to describe a life. My beautiful, precious Grace saved me, and I will count the days until I am with her again.
Story submitted by Jody B. from Kansas City, Missouri.
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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