Kitten Found By Mountain Biker Tolerates Eight-Mile Ride Home, Snuggled in Cyclist's Jacket

Kitten Found By Mountain Biker Tolerates Eight-Mile Ride Home, Snuggled in Cyclist's Jacket

Pixabay / PurpleOwl

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

When my husband called me in the middle of a mountain bike ride and asked if he could bring home a kitten he'd found cowering near a sewer drain, of course I said yes. We had three cats and two dogs (all rescues!) already and weren't looking to add another pet, but it was getting cold and neither of us wanted to leave a kitten outside.

He zipped the kitten up in his jacket and biked home eight miles, with the little guy snuggling close and remaining calm the whole time. He was friendly, clean, flea-free and at a healthy weight, so we knew he wasn't feral.

Our vet confirmed a microchip that traced him back to a local shelter, whose staff told us he'd been adopted out just a few weeks prior. They contacted his "owners," who never responded to messages - it was clear they had dumped him intentionally and had no interest in taking him back.

Their loss! Moots adds so much joy to our home. He's polydactyl (has extra digits), and his funny opposable thumbs make us laugh every day. He fits right in with our other animals and has been cool, confident and playful from the moment he moved in.

We considered fostering him at first, but within one day, we knew he would be staying with us forever. I'm so glad my hubby went bike-riding that day.

Photo: Karen from Philadelphia, PA

Story submitted by Karen from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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