Every Emotion Imaginable Hit Me': Woman Shares Story About How Her Rescue Cats Saved Her

Every Emotion Imaginable Hit Me': Woman Shares Story About How Her Rescue Cats Saved Her

The following story is a finalist in the Rescue to Royalty Challenge. Three grand prize winners will receive a $250 shopping spree, while a shelter of their choosing will be awarded $2,000 in cash and needed supplies! You can vote for your favorite story here through May 8!

This isn’t your run of the mill rescue story. It has nothing to do with how I rescued my boys. It is, however, about how they rescued me.


In 2014, I made some horrible personal decisions. Because of one of these decisions, I lost my job, home, and significant other. I began drinking alcohol daily to the point of blacking out every night and found a way to make a bad situation worse. In 2016, I made the decision to end my life.

A few days after making this decision, one of my friends (who had no idea what I was hiding behind my plastered-on smile) asked me for a favor. She had found two abandoned kittens under a dumpster and her dog was being too rambunctious with them. She asked if I could watch them until she found a home for them.

I lived in an apartment that didn’t allow pets, I was/am allergic to animals, and I never liked cats. But I figured, “What the heck? It will only be a couple of days.” My friend came over with this ridiculous cloth house that the kittens slept in and all of their supplies.


That day, I fed them, helped them go to the bathroom and played with them. The next morning, I looked down at them in their little house, and all of a sudden, every emotion imaginable hit me. I was no longer numb, I was shattered. I cried for what seemed like hours holding them and loving them. At that moment, I realized that I needed these two souls. That day, I started to heal.

They have been with me every day since then. They help me to see the good in the world, and they will never want for anything. I have no doubt that I would not be here today if it weren’t for them rescuing me.


This story was submitted by Holly Morgan in support of Laramie Animal Shelter. You can read more Rescue to Royalty Challenge stories and vote for your favorite here!

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