Pet Care

Watch the Nail-Biting Rescue Operation of an Anteater Who Napped on a Power Line

Watch the Nail-Biting Rescue Operation of an An...

Wild animals are unaware of the dangers of spending time near civilized areas. Whenever you see an animal in trouble, you better call for the authorities to safely rescue them...

Watch the Nail-Biting Rescue Operation of an An...

Wild animals are unaware of the dangers of spending time near civilized areas. Whenever you see an animal in trouble, you better call for the authorities to safely rescue them...

Doctors Doubted That This Dog Would Ever Walk Again Due to Spinal Stroke, But Maggie Proved Them Wrong

Doctors Doubted That This Dog Would Ever Walk A...

With sheer perseverance and supportive pet parents, Maggie learned to walk again after a spinal stroke. It's a true miracle after doctors advised the owners that their dog will never...

Doctors Doubted That This Dog Would Ever Walk A...

With sheer perseverance and supportive pet parents, Maggie learned to walk again after a spinal stroke. It's a true miracle after doctors advised the owners that their dog will never...

Conservationist from Peru Has Amazingly Rescued 270 Animals and Is Featured in the Amazon Documentary “Wildcat”

Conservationist from Peru Has Amazingly Rescued...

Samantha Zwicker moved to Peru at the age of 22 to help an endangered environment. Since then, she has done a remarkable job, which people can witness in an Amazon...

Conservationist from Peru Has Amazingly Rescued...

Samantha Zwicker moved to Peru at the age of 22 to help an endangered environment. Since then, she has done a remarkable job, which people can witness in an Amazon...

A Horse Trio Finally Had Their Most Anticipated Reunion After Four Years Thanks to Their Human Mom

A Horse Trio Finally Had Their Most Anticipated...

Sometimes, animals who grew up on the same farm or in the same household get inevitably separated. It might not be apparent, but they anticipate the day they’ll meet their...

A Horse Trio Finally Had Their Most Anticipated...

Sometimes, animals who grew up on the same farm or in the same household get inevitably separated. It might not be apparent, but they anticipate the day they’ll meet their...

Meet Chester, a Male Cat with an Incredible Maternal Instinct

Meet Chester, a Male Cat with an Incredible Mat...

Managing a foster home for precious kittens can sometimes be challenging. Thankfully, Caroline has her Chester — an incredible feline with great maternal instincts. Although he’s a male cat, he...

Meet Chester, a Male Cat with an Incredible Mat...

Managing a foster home for precious kittens can sometimes be challenging. Thankfully, Caroline has her Chester — an incredible feline with great maternal instincts. Although he’s a male cat, he...

Senior Elephant Fully Reclaims Freedom After Being Heavily Chained for Five Decades

Senior Elephant Fully Reclaims Freedom After Be...

After 50 years of enduring heavy chains on her neck, an elephant finally regains freedom with the help of a man from Planting Peace. Aaron’s goal was to save elephant...

Senior Elephant Fully Reclaims Freedom After Be...

After 50 years of enduring heavy chains on her neck, an elephant finally regains freedom with the help of a man from Planting Peace. Aaron’s goal was to save elephant...