Pet Owner Resources

Why Do Dogs Eat Grass? Is It Bad For Them?

Why Do Dogs Eat Grass? Is It Bad For Them?

Most vets agree that it's a pretty common behavior.

Why Do Dogs Eat Grass? Is It Bad For Them?

Most vets agree that it's a pretty common behavior.

11 Houseplants That Are Poisonous For Dogs

11 Houseplants That Are Poisonous For Dogs

Common houseplants and flowers, including aloe vera and lily flowers, are toxic to dogs. Here's what you should get instead.

11 Houseplants That Are Poisonous For Dogs

Common houseplants and flowers, including aloe vera and lily flowers, are toxic to dogs. Here's what you should get instead.

Why Dogs Twitch In Their Sleep

Why Dogs Twitch In Their Sleep

Dogs experience REM cycles and dreams just as humans do. Sometimes when dogs twitch in their sleep it's an indication of a dream or nightmare.

Why Dogs Twitch In Their Sleep

Dogs experience REM cycles and dreams just as humans do. Sometimes when dogs twitch in their sleep it's an indication of a dream or nightmare.

Black Dog Syndrome: Why Black Dogs Are Less Likely To Be Adopted

Black Dog Syndrome: Why Black Dogs Are Less Lik...

Shelter officials have dubbed it black dog syndrome -- the propensity of dark-coated animals to be passed over for adoption in favor of their lighter counterparts.

Black Dog Syndrome: Why Black Dogs Are Less Lik...

Shelter officials have dubbed it black dog syndrome -- the propensity of dark-coated animals to be passed over for adoption in favor of their lighter counterparts.

Why Do Cats Purr?

Why Do Cats Purr?

Purring is not only a means of communication but a way of healing.

Why Do Cats Purr?

Purring is not only a means of communication but a way of healing.

Should Cats Be Walked On A Leash?

Should Cats Be Walked On A Leash?

"Today’s indoor cat is a tiger robbed of his dominion, a Lamborghini left idling in the garage."

Should Cats Be Walked On A Leash?

"Today’s indoor cat is a tiger robbed of his dominion, a Lamborghini left idling in the garage."