GreaterGood News

Outrage Over Animal Cruelty as UK Fox Hunters Push for Minority Rights

Outrage Over Animal Cruelty as UK Fox Hunters P...

Can a controversial tradition really be classified as a protected belief?

Outrage Over Animal Cruelty as UK Fox Hunters P...

Can a controversial tradition really be classified as a protected belief?

10 Animals with Strong Mother-Child Bonds

10 Animals with Strong Mother-Child Bonds

As humans, we never stop needing our moms. Wildlife tend to need theirs if the first weeks of life when they’re most vulnerable, as well, but, for some, that connection...

10 Animals with Strong Mother-Child Bonds

As humans, we never stop needing our moms. Wildlife tend to need theirs if the first weeks of life when they’re most vulnerable, as well, but, for some, that connection...

U.S. Lawmakers Push to End Inhumane Horse Slaughter

U.S. Lawmakers Push to End Inhumane Horse Slaug...

American horses are facing a brutal fate—shipped to foreign countries, enduring horrific journeys, only to be slaughtered for meat.

U.S. Lawmakers Push to End Inhumane Horse Slaug...

American horses are facing a brutal fate—shipped to foreign countries, enduring horrific journeys, only to be slaughtered for meat.

How Zoos Keep Animals Cool in the Heat

How Zoos Keep Animals Cool in the Heat

This summer has seen intense heatwaves across the northern hemisphere, forcing us to search for ways to beat the heat. We also keep our pets in mind, limiting walks to...

How Zoos Keep Animals Cool in the Heat

This summer has seen intense heatwaves across the northern hemisphere, forcing us to search for ways to beat the heat. We also keep our pets in mind, limiting walks to...