Help Save Endangered Sharks from Extinction
Sharks have been one of the top predators in the oceans for over 4 million years. Yet, overfishing and illegal fishing for their fins—used to make expensive Asian shark fin soup—combined with ocean habitat loss, are contributing to their rapid decline. An estimated 25% of all sharks and rays are threatened with extinction and millions are killed annually. One hundred eighty-one sharks and rays are threatened for extinction on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List, including the great white, the hammerhead, the oceanic white tip and the whale shark.
Sharks need our help now. We must do what we can to save all species of sharks, each vital to the ocean ecosystem in its own way. Project Peril, a signature program of Greater Good Charities, is committed to working with the best non-profits to combat the immense shark fishing problem. We will work with our partners to curb overfishing by monitoring and preventing illegal fishing, increasing awareness and education, and pushing science-based conservation policies.
Your help is needed URGENTLY! Your donation can help save the sharks.
Greater Good Charities has ultimate authority and discretion with regard to the distribution of its funds. All expenditures made are consistent with the exempt purposes of Greater Good Charities.
About Project Peril:
Project Peril, a program of Greater Good Charities, is dedicated to the conservation of species identified as in peril, threatened, endangered or close to extinction throughout the world.