YOU can ensure the safe delivery of a baby into this world. Save the lives of mothers and new babies by sponsoring a safe childbirth at Mae Tao Clinic.
We'd like to introduce you to the newest members of the Greater Good community. Weighing in at 2.5lbs, each of these precious girls was safely delivered into the arms of their mother Wai di. She was unaware that she was having twins and went into premature labor at home when she was seven months pregnant and ended up losing consciousness! Her family transported her to MTC where staff helped her safely deliver her babies and supported her as she regained consciousness and awareness that she had just delivered TWINS! She was unaware that she was having twins because she did not receive prenatal care.
After their birth the family remained at MTC for six weeks to ensure they were carefully monitored, given treatment and nutritional feeding. Once each twin weighed 5 lbs, the family was discharged to return home. During this time, health workers continuously provided her with health education on immunization, nutrition, breastfeeding, disease prevention and identification, etc. Now, Wai Di visits the clinic twice a month and each round trip costs her $15 which is more than she can afford. "I need to come more often because I cannot bring two babies at the same time as I cannot hold them both on the motorcycle. It is burdensome and costly but thanks to the clinic (WHICH YOUR DONATIONS HELP COVER) I do not need to pay for any medical bills. I know the trips are worth it for my babies health and I'd like to thank you for caring about us."
You can help. Along the Thai/Burmese border, infant mortality rates are five times higher and maternal mortality rates are 24 times higher than the rest of Thailand. Stories like Wai Di's are all too common. Save a mother and child by donating today—right now, thanks to a generous matching gift, you can ensure a safe birth for mother and child for just $43.