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National Autism Association

a young boy with curly hair and a red sweatshirt sitting on the floor with his tablet

Nearly 40% of individuals with Autism are estimated to be nonverbal, unable to express what they need or how they feel. This can be extremely frustrating and even pose serious safety risks. The National Autism Association's Give A Voice program provides a tablet with an intuitive voice-output communication app to people with autism who are non-verbal or minimally verbal.

How does access to an app help real people with autism?
The app gives children the ability to build phrases and sentences pictographically, and teaches them how to read and write. Children like Brody.

"Good morning! Here's Brody with his iPad that he uses daily!! He loves this iPad! He's in Kindergarten this year, and last year he taught himself the alphabet and numbers using it, and he learned some sight words and his colors. This year he's doing addition and subtraction!"

"He's able to do a lot of things using the iPad that teachers/specialists were not able to get him to do. He uses this as a communication tool and has made communication in our house a lot easier! Thank you!"
- Ashley W.

a dark-haired boy sitting at a table learning with his tablet

"The NAA Give a Voice program has enhanced Owen's life beyond measure. While he is still limited in his verbal abilities, his access to communication has opened the world for him. Utilizing this tool has been life changing. Owen's overall experience in this world has become a brighter one. With the ability to communicate, he is less frustrated and happier overall. There aren't enough words to express the importance of what this program provides."
- Lindsey G.

"Thank you so much for the iPad with Avatalker! We use it in my home every day...Joseph and Yansiel use the iPad program to improve their overall speech production and language skills."

"Joseph has elaborated his vocabulary usage and reading comprehension skills towards his educational goals. He is able to write complete sentences now, due to his usage of the Avatalker program. This has helped his quality of life for himself, while reducing his frustrations and anxiety."

"Yansiel, his brother with autism, has also benefited from sharing the iPad with Joseph to improve his communication skills as well. Thank you so much!!!!!"
- Yani O.

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