Provide nutritious food to cats in need.
Meet Stripes! Stripes was born into a home that had a cat-aggressive dog as a primary resident. Her owners thought they could protect her by placing her in a cage away from the dog. However, she and her brother were placed in a guinea pig cage that was far too small. For five months, Stripes had suffered from an eye infection and had been unable to run and play.
Thankfully, Stripes was surrendered to a rescue who could care for her. Food donations helped Stripes regain her strength and freed up the rescue's income so they could afford her medical care. She ended up losing her eye, but she gained a new family and happy life.
Cat food is the "forgotten donation" in pet food drives and fundraisers. Cat adoption groups, sanctuaries and feral colony feeders use donated funds to purchase food, reducing their budget for veterinary care and adoption events.
National manufacturers of brand name cat food donate their excess inventory to Greater Good Charities' GOODS program. Your donation helps pay for deliveries of hundreds of pounds of cat food to one of our regional distribution centers for pickup by pre-screened non-profits. As little as $20 saves rescue groups more than $200, these funds can then be applied to more spay neuters, wellness care and adoption events. The results are more adoptions of healthier, happier cats and kittens.
Your donation helps keep cats healthy and allows rescue groups to use scarce funds for vet care and spay/neuter expenses.
You can help. Just $25 can provide 500 meals for cats in need.
Greater Good Charities has ultimate authority and discretion with regard to the distribution of its funds. All expenditures made are consistent with the exempt purposes of Greater Good Charities.